题 目:Multifunctional ‘Skin’ of Fibres & Interphases of Composites
报告人:高尚林博士德国莱布尼兹高分子研究所(Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V (IPF), Germany)
时 间:2015年9月17日(周四)10:00
Materials are typically hierarchical architectures in structure, from the atomic to the macro scale. Many natural materials (e.g., shell, bone, tooth) exhibit such structures with multifunctional properties. Composite interphases are transition regions of hybrid composites, over which the chemical, mechanical and physical properties change from the bulk properties of reinforcement to the bulk properties of the polymer matrix. As an emerging research field, current bio-inspired consideration is mainly given to introducing 0D to 3D nanofillers (e.g., carbon black, carbon nanotube, graphene, graphite, nanosilica and so forth) into conventional glass or carbon fibre reinforced composites, forming a hierarchical structure. This presentation will highlight our group’s recent advances in multifunctional solid surfaces and composite interphasesto achieve ‘smart’ self-diagnosing abilitytogether with optimised mechanical properties. Specifically, carbon nanofillers are used to integrate simultaneously mechanical, electrical and optical functionalities into fibre surfaces and interphases. The nanofiller-rich interphases are able to detect and make utility of microcracks as real-time in-situ sensors for early warning catastrophic failure of materials.We most recently developed a simple approach for superimposed graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) appearing like ‘fish scales’, which perform interesting multifunctional ‘skin’ on solid surfacewith sensing and changing abilities.
Dr.Shang-LinGaoisaseniorscientistandprincipalinvestigator(PI)ofLeibniz-InstitutfürPolymerforschungDresdene.V(IPF),Germany.HereceivedhisPhDinMechanical EngineeringfromtheHong KongUniversityofScience&Technology(HKUST)and his BS in Physics from Wuhan University.Hiscurrentresearchcenterson:i)Multi-functionalcomposites—Smartsurface/interphase;Compositesensor;ii)Multi-scalecomposites—Biology-inspiredmechanicaldesign;Nanostructuredcompositeinterfaces;Healingofnanoscaledefects.Dr.Gaohascontributedtoover100scientificpublicationsinconferences and journals like dvancedMaterials,AdvancedMaterialsInterfaces,AdvancedFunctionalMaterials,ActaMaterialia,carbon,compositesScienceandTechnology,Langmuir,etc.