赵斌 | |||
职称 | 教授 | ||
任职 | 无 | ||
导师类型 | 博士生导师 | ||
所属学科专业 | 材料科学与工程 | ||
电话 | |||
邮箱 | zhaobin@usst.edu.cn | ||
一、学习工作经历 | |||
2009.07-至今 | 上海理工大学材料学院 | 教授 | |
2008.09-2009.07 | 中科院宁波材料技术与工程研究所 | 春蕾副研究员 | |
2006.10-2008.09 | 日本国立产业技术综合研究所(AIST) | 博士后研究员 | |
2004.10-2006.10 | 日本东京大学 | JSPS特别研究员 | |
2000.4-2004.07 | 清华大学 | 材料科学与工程,博士 | |
1997.09-2000.03 | 大连理工大学 | 材料学,硕士 | |
1993.09-1997.08 | 大连交通大学 | 金属材料及热处理,学士 | |
二、研究方向 | |||
(1)纳米碳材料制备及微结构表征; (2)水系电化学储能材料与器件; (3)高效电催化材料设计及性能。 | |||
三、科研成果 | |||
从事新型低维功能材料相关的研究,包括垂直碳纳米管阵列、石墨烯、Mxene及其他低维材料的可控制备,超级电容器与水系电池电极材料开发及器件应用,高效电催化材料设计及性能研究等。先后主持完成国家自然科学基金、上海市自然科学基金、上海市科委地方院校能力建设专项、上海市青年科技启明星计划、上海市曙光计划、浙江省钱江人才计划等省部级以上科研项目。已在ACS Nano、Advanced Functional Materials、Nano Energy、Journal of Materials Science & Technology等国内外知名期刊发表学术论文100多篇,被引5000多次,申请国家发明专利10余项。相关成果获得2018年上海市自然科学一等奖。 | |||
代表性项目: (1)国家自然科学基金面上项目:可用于纳滤膜制备的垂直排列单壁碳纳米管阵列的合成机理研究 (2)上海市部分地方院校能力建设专项:褶皱石墨烯微球/NiCo2O4复合电极及其非对称超级电容器制备关键技术研究 (3)上海市自然科学基金面上项目:石墨烯/层状双金属氢氧化物纳米复合电极设计、结构调控及电化学电容性能研究 | |||
代表性科研论文: 1. T. Li, Y. Hu, J. Zhang, H. Li, K. Fang, J. Wang, Z. Wang, M. Xu*, B. Zhao*. Doping Effect and Oxygen Vacancy Engineering in Nickel-Manganese Layered Double Hydroxides for High-performance Supercapacitors. Nano Energy, 2024,126: 109690. 2. B. Zhao, Y. Wang, Z. Wang*, Y. Hu, J. Zhang, X. Bai. Rational design of Core-Shell heterostructured CoFe@ NiFe Prussian blue analogues for efficient capacitive deionization. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 487: 150437. 3. X. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. Ma, L. Wang, K. Yu, Z. Wang, J. Wang, B. Zhao*. Ag engineered NiFe-LDH/NiFe2O4 Mott-Schottky heterojunction electrocatalyst for highly efficient oxygen evolution and urea oxidation reactions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024, 665: 313-322. 4. Y. He, N. Fu, M. Jiang, X. Lv, S. Guo, L. Han, L. Zhang, B. Zhao*, G. Chen*, X. Chen*, L, Wang*. Carbon-based self-powered terahertz detector with multi-walled carbon nanotubes-graphene heterostructure. Carbon, 2024, 221: 118886. 5. T. Miao, J. Zhang, Y. Wang, K. Fang, Z. Wang, K. Zhan, B. Zhao*. Composite Cathode with Low-defect NiFe Prussian Blue Analogue on Reduced Graphene Oxide for Aqueous Sodium-ion Hybrid Supercapacitors. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 648: 768-777. 6. J. Zhang, S. Zhang, X. Zhang, Z. Ma, Z. Wang, B. Zhao*. Construction of Ni4Mo/MoO2 heterostructure on oxygen vacancy enriched NiMoO4 nanorods as an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 650B: 1490-1499. 7.Z. Shi, G. Sun, R. Yuan, W. Chen, Z. Wang, L. Zhang, K. Zhan, M. Zhu, B. Zhao*. Scalable fabrication of NiCo2O4/reduced graphene oxide composites by ultrasonic spray as binder-free electrodes for supercapacitors with ultralong lifetime. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 99: 260. 8. H. Ren, L. Zhang, J. Zhang, T. Miao, R. Yuan, W. Chen, Z. Wang, J.H. Yang, B. Zhao*. Na+ pre-intercalated Na0. 11MnO2 on three-dimensional graphene as cathode for aqueous zinc ion hybrid supercapacitor with high energy density. Carbon, 2022, 198: 46-56. 9. G. Sun, H. Ren, Z. Shi, L. Zhang, Z. Wang, K. Zhan, Y. Yan, J.H. Yang, B. Zhao*. V2O5/vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes as negative electrode for asymmetric supercapacitor in neutral aqueous electrolyte. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 588: 847. 10. M. Guo, S. Song, S. Zhang, Y. Yan, K. Zhan, J.H. Yang, B. Zhao*. Fe-Doped Ni–Co phosphide nanoplates with planar defects as an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8: 7436. 11. Y. Yan, X. Shi, M. Miao, T. He, Z. Dong, K. Zhan, J. Yang, B. Zhao*, B. Xia*. Bio-inspired design of hierarchical FeP nanostructure arrays for the hydrogen evolution reaction. Nano Research, 2018, 11: 3537-3547. 12. Xu, Y. Yan*, T. He, K. Zhan, J.H.Yang, B. Zhao*, K. Qi, B.Y. Xia*. Supercritical CO2-Assisted synthesis of NiFe2O4/vertically-aligned carbon nanotube arrays hybrid as a bifunctional electrocatalyst for efficient overall water splitting. Carbon, 2019, 145: 201. 13. Y. Yan, B. Xia, B. Zhao*, X. Wang*. A review on noble-metal-free bifunctional heterogeneous catalysts for overall electrochemical water splitting. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4: 17587. (ESI高被引) 14. J. Cheng, B. Zhao*, W. Zhang, F. Shi, G. Zheng, D. Zhang, J.H. Yang*. High-Performance Supercapacitor Applications of NiO-Nanoparticle-Decorated Millimeter-Long Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays via an Effective Supercritical CO2-Assisted Method. Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25: 7381. 15. L. Zhang, B. Zhao*, X. Wang, Y. Liang, H. Qiu, G. Zheng, J. Yang*. Gas transport in vertically-aligned carbon nanotube/parylene composite membranes. Carbon, 2014, 66: 11-17. 16. B. Zhao, L. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Yang*. Surface functionalization of vertically-aligned carbon nanotube forests by radio-frequency Ar/O2 plasma. Carbon, 2012, 50: 2710-2716. 17. B. Zhao, D.N. Futaba, S. Yasuda, M. Akoshima, T. Yamada, K. Hata*. Exploring advantages of diverse carbon nanotube forests with tailored structures synthesized by supergrowth from engineered catalysts. ACS Nano, 2009, 3: 108. | |||
代表性专利: 1. 一种垂直碳纳米管阵列/金属氧化物复合材料的制备方法,专利号: ZL201510053195.0。 2. 一种定向碳纳米管纳滤膜的制备方法,专利号:ZL201310178710.9。 3. 一种制备高性能石墨烯增强铝基复合材料的方法,专利号:ZL201610924959.3。 4. 一种金属离子预嵌入钒氧化物及其制备与应用,专利号:ZL202310256110.3。 | |||
四、学术任职 | |||
兼任中国真空学会理事、中国真空学会薄膜专业委员会委员、中国机械工程学会材料分会委员;Polymers编委、机械工程材料编委、国家重点研发计划评审专家、国家自然科学基金函评专家、教育部学位中心学位论文评审专家。 | |||
五、授课情况 | |||
本科生课程:《材料工程基础(英)》、《材料结构与性能(英)》 研究生课程:《环境材料》 | |||
六、获奖情况 | |||
1. 2004年,日本JSPS外国人特别研究员奖励基金 2. 2009年,上海市曙光学者 3. 2010年,上海市青年科技启明星 4. 2012年,获得上海市人才发展资金 5. 2017年,上海市教学成果二等奖(排名第二) 6. 2018年,上海市自然科学一等奖(排名第五) |